
Zoom is Belmont Abbey College’s video conferencing solution for online course delivery and collaboration. Zoom is fully integrated with BAC’s Google accounts and Canvas. You can log into Zoom with your BAC Google credentials. Below are the different ways to log into Zoom.

  1. Create Zoom meeting from within Google Calendar. Click here for instructions.
  2. Log in to Canvas and access the course site where you want to create a Zoom meeting. Click the Zoom button on the course menu.
  3. Log into BAC’s Zoom directly with your BAC Google account.

BAC specific Zoom Tutorials

Zoom Best Practices for BAC Faculty
Zoom Basics in 22 Minutes
Zoom Basics (longer)
Zoom Interactives
Intro to Canvas
Pedagogy in a Time of Pandemic

General Zoom Tutorials and Training

Zoom Resource Page
Zoom Video Tutorials
FREE Live Training